Welcome to my world~

欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Sunday 2 August 2009

nothing much today

Slept pretty early last night (11pm's counted as early for a recently-3am-sleeper like me). Woke up pretty late though since mum said she'll help me rearrange my room. Her pantang of can only move furnitures in the morning. Still managed to change the layout, but not according what I had planned earlier. Now it's like my old bedroom, just that there are more books, more papers, and more boxes. >< But at least, today's it's neat and tidy. (Of course, this is only day 1. I bet by end of this week, everything's messy again)

Got some scoldings from mum because I didn't performed up to her standard. Whatever. As long as I can survive in this room, I'm sure there's no big problem.

Went through tonnes of papers and found lots of nostalgic stuffs since yesterday. Shall sort things up and post them one by one in the coming weeks before I sealed part of them up. Really want to get rid of the boxes (and spider webs with my hair in them!) that are starting to dominate my room. By the way, should I just cut my hair short? It seems that the texture's getting worse and worse. Plus, it terrifies me seeing my hair EVERYWHERE.

Even thought of writing a blog on artists that I can recognise through their voice and another on similar faces among Asian artists. But before all of that, I want to change my background first. Then perhaps add a few things to cheerish the lil' blog of mine.

Started to get interested in a blog and leaving comments there must be in standard English. You know lar, people write in proper English, very paiseh to write broken English, kan? Haha.. In fact writing in full words instead of SMS language is quite nice.

Waiting for Jed to set up his new blog. Really slow moh~ Just now while nibbling on my apple, I asked him about the progress and as expected, still at stage 1 : thinking. Not even planning moh~ Hey guys, help me to nag him and speed him up.

Just back from evening service. Today's topic is 《做与众不同的仆人》. Got us thinking back to all those things that we had done. It's a nice reflecting theme and also teaches us to think what we should do in the future. Then it's time for 圣餐. Mum cried while praying after we went on stage because she accidentally spilt sime of her drink. She is really tired these days. Not even having enough strength to hold a tiny cup of drink. *sigh*

What else? Let's see... Okay, I'm still waiting for replies. Meanwhile, I'm working on my IELTS. These days I seem to get lazier and lazier. Not having any mood to do my homework. I still have 2 reading, 3 essays and 2 corrections. This always make up the last line on my task list. *sigh* If God arranged me to start uni next year, I shall need to learn how to
  1. swim
  2. cook
  3. cycle
  4. bake
  5. dance
  6. play a musical instrument, preferebly the guitar

and train myself to

  1. be independent
  2. blue belt
  3. jog everyday
  4. start reading 4 verses of my bible everyday again
  5. finish reading those books stacked at home
  6. start using the dictionary again
  7. produce at least 1 piece everyday

I guess that's all from me today. Good night and God bless~

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What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

