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Friday 14 August 2009

We Got Married a.k.a We Just Married

Recently, say, yesterday I really began to like this variety/ reality show. Actually I watched part of episode 1 a few weeks ago but didn't get to continue it.

It's about newly-wed couples and the problems faced/ may face. They ask 8 celebrities (not familiar ones) to live together like real couples. =)

Personally I liked Kim Hyun Joong/Hwang Bo couple the most, although I'm not the kind that's into the "older sister-younger brother" relation type. The wife here is 6 years senior of the young husband. They may seem hilarious but it's sweet. Little things they do are touching in a way.

Shall start watching all over again starting tonight XD. I want to watch more of the romance part. I like Hwang Bo's laughter. ^^

It's Friday again! Happy weekend guys! I'll need to study hard for the trial exam on Sunday. Glad that I can go back for training tomorrow morning. Jenny, see you then! Muacks!!

(Finish typing this while chatting with Amy. It's been a long time since I last signed into MSN, Kind of neglect it.)

God Bless!!!

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