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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Who should I believe?

Yes, I guess it's time for me to speak my mind (part) on the latest happenings in Malaysia that shocked everyone. EVERYONE.

Saturday morning, I took the earliest flight to KL for the pre-departure briefing and hence did not read the newspaper. I think I saw a glimpse of the headlines but did not pay much attention. Fell asleep in the plane.
By Sunday, when it was time for me to come back, things had become worse.
Spent whole Monday afternoon reading through 3 days' load of newspaper.

Conclusion: I felt worried, scared, terrified. This string of happenings is turning Malaysia into the next Indonesia/ Iraq, I fear. Where's that Malaysia which I can boast about a peaceful multi-race nation? I had always been proud to be a Malaysian, especially an East Malaysian, where there's no need to fear about having tea-breaks at a local coffee shop with friends of other races and religions (是啦,就是我吃干盘配teh-tarik,你吃nasi lemak配kopi-O嘛……) or to gather together after we went for church services or they went for Friday prayers at mosque.



Now that burnings (or shall I say bombings?) happens, I began to question myself. Am I being too naive all these while?

Read this, and tell me who should I believe?

【In 2007, the Majlis Agama Negeri Perlis, which is a large majlis filled with people very learned in Islamic religious knowledge, discussed the question of the use of 'Allah' by non-Muslims. Their unanimous decision? They issued a fatwa to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with non-Muslims using the word at all.】


This really speaks out our minds.
‘Don’t tell us how to pray,’ Borneo states say

【Dayak community leader Dr John Brian Anthony explains how when Christianity was being propagated to the East Malaysian natives roughly 100 years ago, the texts that were used were imported from Indonesia.

These texts used the term Allah and were in Bahasa Indonesia, which was similar to the Melayu Kuno used by the natives.
However, Anthony says, East Malaysian Muslims have never opposed the use of “Allah” by Christians and other non-Muslims.】

【Political scientist Dr Faisal Syam Hazis of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) puts it another way: “The use of Allah by non-Muslims has already been embedded in East Malaysian society for more than 100 years. It has never been an issue. So why are these peninsular Muslims suddenly jumping up and down over it?”】

【  Unimas’ Aeria and Faisal also dispute the views of a Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) race-relations expert who contended that for Sarawak Muslims, religion was not as important as tribal identity。
      In a previous The Malaysian Insider article, Prof Dr Mansor Mohd Noor of UKM Inter-ethnic Studies Institute gave an opinion that peninsular Muslims were less tolerant when it came to questions on Islam than their Sarawak and Sabah brethren.
   “For Muslims in East Malaysia, the use of ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims is not a problem because their identity is tied to a tribe rather than to a religion,” Mansor has said in the article titled “Allah unites some and divides others”.
   “Saying that is almost like saying we Sarawak Muslims are less Islamic than the ones in the peninsula just because we can tolerate Christians using ‘Allah’,” says Faisal.
     East Malaysians of all creeds are passionate about their faith and identity but they were more accepting of each other, says Aeria.】

I had helped out in my church's native service and felt it was perfectly okay to use "Allah". At least I can't find the what's wrong with that.就崇拜时,祷告啊、唱诗啊、证道啊,都很顺畅啊……(我个人要求不多,传教崇拜不就是顺畅的语言最好吗?) Tell me another better word. "Tuhan" "Bapa" are all used in linear with this.
【It's just a noun to decribe God. 】(a quote from recom) 
We know who He is, regardless how we address him.

So, what's the point of this chaos?



  1. I actually think its not about religion at all, I think its the bottled up feeling of what Malaysians actually feel. So much for 1Malaysia....

  2. Hope that things turn out well, as soon as possible..


What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

