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欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Sunday 24 January 2010


是滴,许久没有更新网志,lappy拿回来的第一件事竟然是推荐歌曲?!哈哈……粉丝的爱啊……真的让我们等太久咯,2am。看看2pm,几乎天天都看到他们在music bank表演,唱跳到我都会背《heartbeat》的副歌了喂~JYP社长nim,你偏心哦你……哈哈……


这次是一个mini album,完全没有JYP的作品,说这次的制作人(?)的比较好……但是不认输(XD)的他会把已经制作好的3首作品放在repackage的专辑里……这是在硬A我们这些(女)粉丝的钱厚!!还好诗巫没有这么先进,不然我一定败金,而且还是两张都收购……没办法,我就是会坠落圈套的单纯(!)粉丝【逃】

1. Intro
2. Even if I die, I can’t let you go (죽어도 못 보내)
3. I’m Sorry I Can’t Laugh For You (웃어 줄 수 없어서 미안하다)
4. I Love You (feat. Baek Chan, Joo Hee of 8eight)
5. To Her/ That Girl (feat. Chansung of 2PM) (그녀에게)
6. Outro (I’m laughing)

是说这次的feel跟上两首hit songs《这首歌》(This Song)和《朋友的告白》(Time for Confession)真的有差别。因为创作人不同?不过,请放心,死忠的粉丝通通都会接受的!哈哈……连带的,不管是feat谁,一律抱着爱屋及乌的心态,欢喜打包!!XD

想到可以常常在KBS World的Music Bank看到2am就很兴奋。等一下!!【刹车】我要出国了诶~怎么能看Astro叻?!啊!!!!

咦,不是有Youtube我的main provider吗?一定会有人录下来post上去的!哈哈……不愁不愁~



Just some extra info I got:
In 2009, after they ended their promotions of their track Friend’s Comfession, the boys of 2AM have been very active in variety programs. And because of their variety appearances, everyone is anticipating their comeback because their image is so unique from a typical “ballad” artist.(简直是搞笑艺人。有空我真的要介绍Oneday) People are especially interested in their comeback as their new track’s producer is not JYP, but another hit ballad-producer Bang Shi Hyuk. In the past, Bang Shi Hyuk produced hit-tracks including, Baek Ji Young’s Like Being Hit By A Bullet and 8Eight’s Without A Heart as well as Goodbye My Love. With all the anticipation amongst fans, Bang Shi Hyuk even commented, “2010 will be 2AM’s year” in a recent interview, adding even more to the hype.


What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

