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Monday 21 September 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri之双喜临门

First of all, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my muslim friends (though I wonder how many will read this blog, or do they even know the existence of this?). Maaf zahir dan batin.

Today's a very tiring day for me. Initially I thought there's like 30 episodes of "Black & White", so I only buffered till episode 23. Then suddenly I saw on the right hand side bar stating that 24th is the last episode. So, okay, I went online again and started to buffer. Somehow I ended up plurking for an hour or so with kueh and her friends.. LOL.. Finally decided to watch the finale at 12.02am. Heard fireworks but thought people are just too bored and played.

Woke up with a shock when mum announced it's Hari Raya today. With sleepy eyes and a lil' drowsy head, I went to become church usher. Kind of regret I didn't talk to someone. *sigh* He's nice. Opportunity wasted. And as expected, group leader announced that it's my turn to wash the 3-piece suits (I wonder is this the real name for this kind of clothing?) again. Seems like everytime I'm on duty, I need to wash those clothes. Okay, I admit, 'cause I didn't go often. (kneel)

When we came back, I told mum I really need to catch a nap (is this correct? sounds weird though) before going out. Just then, someone really pissed me off. Who on earth will tie up a cat's stomach? My cat's pregnant, okay?! Geez.. Spoilt my mood nia..

Anyway I still manage to fall asleep and refuse to wake up when dad called me. After he sighed really loud, complaining to mum that I'm in deep sleep, I had to force myself up. Being lazy is something not recommended. I was too lazy to sit up and open the door, and end up twisting my whole body and sprained (?) my left shoulder =.=lll

Things became better when we went out visiting. I'll put them in point form, Chinese (no subtitles, sorry XD)
  1. 今年带了大舅母跟我们一起拜年……话说,她从来没有去过马来人的家拜年啊……当妈妈咪跟我说是,我就很认真地想,这个好像没有发生过在我的生命里,因为,从小我就是跟老爸到处拜年的小家伙……农历新年最高纪录16家;开斋节最高纪录应该是10家。
  2. 我们第一家去的就是传说中女主人的金项链价值10万令吉的~可是……可是……啊!!!做莫会这样?!我去了3年都没有看到!!今年她竟然去亲戚家了……呜呜……妈咪连看了两年,还能给我形容的有声有色……看来我是真的跟那条项链无缘啦……他们家的糯米饭很好吃!跟我同岁的儿子前年结了婚,今年宝宝都开始会跑了……
  3. 第二家是我没有去过的……到了看到客厅的照片赫然发现是我们学校有个很厉害的学弟……那就算了……竟然是我学生的家!就是那个很厉害的马来学弟的妹妹,我教她geografi啊……那家的小孩读书真的很厉害一下……哥哥是参加各个全国赛的;妹妹给我地理拿满分……
  4. 第3家是我妈热到快晕的家……哈哈……年年我们去他们家都刚好是很热的天气……闷热闷热的……不过今年看到新款的baju kurung,等我瘦一点了,也许也可以去做那种style的……还有,终于看到我很爱的沙爹花生酱……
  5. 第4家就热情很多啦~是我老爸的旧同事(其实除了第3家是JKR的,其他都是SBW的)。他的老婆啊,超热情的,一直抱着我亲……哈哈……他的媳妇还真会生,12年生了5胎……今年刚刚添了个女娃娃……三个月大,几可爱的……然后其他的孙子都是男的嘛,12岁的长孙还蛮腼腆的……其他的拉着我的手叫kakak,吓我一跳……哈哈……跟我salam时还用额头抵住,让我不得不跟他爷爷也这样……嘛……我不是回教徒啊……哈哈……然后跟他的曾祖母也是要礼数到尽……那个老婆啊,还跟我妈说她瘦了,以为我妈病了……呵呵……一直嘱咐她要好好照顾身子。对了,问你们哦,我这3年有改变很多咩?做莫他们家的人一直说我一下子长大许多?
  6. 第5家就是每年我们农历新年的蛋糕供应商……哈哈……他们家7个孩子都是念华小的~可是我们每次去,他们都说他们累瘫了……哈哈……我们总是以他们家为结束点;他们也总是以我们作为结束点,收拾了睡午觉去~
  7. 今年去了5家……我个人觉得吃得还好饱,倒是3个大人吃饱到可以省略晚餐……哈哈……




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