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欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Tuesday 27 October 2009


What does the word PROCRASTINATION reminds you of?

It is normally linked with studies (when you are supposed to study, you stray off or hang on Youtube for hours) and jobs (when you are supposed to do your job or assignments, you just put them aside, preferably at a place that is not easily spotted, and totally ignore it) for days.

But to me, this sheer laziness comes from the accumulation of small things or habits in everyday’s life.

Like I would say, “I’m going to soak this can first and throw it in the recycle bin downstairs later when we have dinner.” And that tin will be sitting in my bathroom for 2 weeks, full of water.

Or, I would think, “I will bath later at 10.30 am.” And you will find me still in pyjamas at 4.30pm, hunched back, eyes totally glued to the screen playing Zuma.

(Yikes, I’m revealing the scary part of me unconsciously XD)

I can even procrastinate while doing meaningless (?) things like blogging. (Hey, IELTS exercise says blogging is a good form of relieving stress besides voicing out your thoughts and opinions, honest ones of course!) Just look at the list I had typed months ago and even the comments I left on Claire’s blog. By now I had only downloaded like 10 episodes of Joongbo cuts in WGM. Still a long, long way to go.

I guess I do understand myself after all. Well, people did say that “the one who understand you most is yourself.” I have to agree. Since young, whenever I decided to do something, I will enrol at once after considering, say, once? The longer I think, the less possible I would do that. All my competitions and tuitions were done within 3 days of consideration. So, can I regard this as a way to curb procrastination?

Now, I am starting to worry about my university life, where I have ultimate (?) freedom. No one will be around to make sure I do things according to my timetable (this is a thing meant for wall decoration). Lectures won’t be like teachers in secondary school, picking at you for assignments and good grades. I guess this is why I try to choose all ways to make sure someone is still controlling me, etc: scholarship (I must get good grades, or at least pass, in every exam so as not to be strike off), catered hall (someone will cook and since I paid for it, I will go and eat. Yeah, I can be as lazy as to eat), room checks every semester (I’m the kind to be scared to be scolded, so I’ll clean and tidy my room till it’s neat). But then the assignments part, I’m still worried. Yup, I know there’s something call “due date a.k.a dateline” but there’s also a saying namely “burn the midnight oil”.

Gosh, any tips from you guys?

[Typed on 26/10/09, 8.57pm, admist a 3-second blackout for 27/10/09’s blog entry. Uhh.. This is so like lesson plans XD]

A happy day for me although I started out with some unfortunate (?) incidents like spilling water all over my clothes (not only once, but twice!). The middle part we'll just skip and my conclusion is: Woohoo~ I like Mdm Lau's decision. Ing Ing's going to be in charge of paper 1 and I'm going to do paper 2. Yes, all essays NOT marked by me! Two more sweet days~ yeah yeah... God loves me~

ps: Why do I feel that those who take Chinese Language are mostly those that have a heavy scent of banana? Seriously. They are speaking English all the while and suddenly they are the ones sitting for the exam. 看着这群我以为是香蕉人(他们说我也好不到哪里XD)地绞尽脑汁写启事,我真的无所适从…… In addition, 12 out of 38. Ain't that too little? Where are the others?

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