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Thursday 22 October 2009

I know why I like to type long blogs now

I'm finally officially sick.. I guess? Terrible sorethroat and watery nose. However, I still dare to eat "nasi lemak kunyit" for tea-break. Well, I had ordered that yesterday, I can't just waste it, right? To make things worst, I didn't refill my stock of Strepsils. And yeah, my sorethroat got worse tonight. Till I need to gulp down a Panadol and hope things turn better tomorrow. Hopefully it's not H1N1. Our school is said to have 5 confirmed cases. *sigh*

Last night I slept at 9.30pm to wake up at 2am (drinking too much water before bed is definitely a no-no, I know, but I just can't help doing so to ease the pain, the burning feel from my throat) and later at 5.50am with no problem at all. I felt so refreshed and this is the first time I didn't yawn when I woke up. Even my eyebags seem to vanish. Yoohoo!!! I think I am going to do the same thing today. Given that I had no work brought home and all things are done in school this morning, I'm sure I'll sleep tighter tonight. Maybe my eyebags will disappear totally by Saturday? Gosh, I still need to go to school this Saturday for the Prize-Giving ceremony which, yeah, I'm not involved as a recipient. *sob*

Went to open accounts right after work. Although around 1 hour was spent in the bank, I was glad we got into the car before the raindrops began falling. I had already got caught in the rain once early morning, of course I won't want to get drenched again, especially with my weak body. The workers in bank didn't really want to talk much to me since they don't want me to spread my flu. =)

Nothing much to update today. Just a normal but tiring (although not as bad as other super-busy days) work day. Last revision and reminder and briefing for the Form 4 students before they have their final exam next week. Still waiting for the mystery to be solved ~ who will be the new teachers to be posted to our school. I do hope one of them is an English teacher, so I won't be marking the 104 sets alone. Honestly speaking, I am happy to mark all by myself (the standard will be the same and I can grasp roughly the standard of each classes) but I can't be selfish. I don't want to teach the wrong things to these group of 2010 SPM candidates.

Well, I guess this is all from me. Want to finish [D.Conan] and some wedding videos recommended by Kee before getting ready for bed. Will have quite a lot of things to do tomorrow. Wish myself goodluck (everything smooth tomorrow) and speedy recovery. I really dread to go see the doctor and get an injection.


1 comment:

  1. I just realised I forgot to mention about the title. Getting old or influenced by kueh?

    Well... I like to blabble but mum's kind of impatient these days.. So, the only way to express my opinion a.k.a 38 is here XD


What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

