Welcome to my world~

欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Thursday 4 June 2009


Haih.. Can't help to start my blog with a sigh. Today I was supposed to arrive Blue's Spendor 宾雅 at 11am. I planned to sleep early last night, and as expected, it remained as a plan. Sleeping at 1am was considered early compared to my usual 2, 3 am, a bad habit I developed last month. Shall I blame it on fresh graduates of education who caused me jobless (有这种事咩?) or on the examination syndicate for my lousy STPM results that I start to give up on myself? (废虫:其实到头来,都是自己的错厚……那些可怜的,像我一样被冤的,欢饮加入我的group)
ps: 废虫is something I blame for not finishing my older blogs. 它其实真的是被冤枉滴……

Okay, back to original topic. "One" (yes, I so loved it that it's my handphone alarm now) woke me up at 9am, but as expected, I had ways to make myself NOT to wake up, instead to lie down doing nothing, and within seconds, I'm back playing chess with Mr Zhou (周公:其实……其实……我也是很不愿意的……她强迫我滴……呜呜……) Then, at 10am, I practically forced myself up. Suddenly I remebered that mum said something about newspapers while I was half asleep. So I went downstairs and ask her (顺便找早餐) After a quick brief through the newspaper, she instructed me to type letters for loans. I was like, huh?! it's already 10.30am, I should be getting ready for the wedding lunch. But I don't want to hear grumbles, so I did the edit-more-than-typing letter thingy for around 1 hour. I didn't get to have a quick shower. I can't find my jeans. I was .. =.=.. By the time we set off, it was 11.45am. And today's Wednesday. Everyone's rushing for lunch at 12pm. We opted the esplanade route. When we passed by Methodist 福源堂,there were more than 100 people coming out. I just remembered it was 年议会. Everywhere was jammed. I walked fast (considered quite fast since I'm in heels) and when I was about to take the escalator, I saw my old students from 2E. 下意识地, I put my head low as not to be seen. Unfortunately, their eyesight were too good. "Barbara! Barbara! Barbara!" A quick smile and I dash up. I was calling Mim, but no replies. So, I changed to call Bro. "Barbara! (with fingers pointing to hp) Thou Huat? Thou Huat!" Gosh... these small ghosts... How come they know I was going to call him? *speechless* I arrived the venue at 12.25pm. When I sat down, my friends acknowledged me that the bride (teacher Chew Fung) had went to Bintagor. Her husband's from there. =.=ll arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................... I missed the photo taking. I was so angry. RAGE!!!

Anyway, the lunch was nice. There were only 9 of us at the table (看到某个sm,我们就赶快把第十张椅子推走,然后赶快把椅子挪一挪,假装很挤了……XD)With 5 boys at our table, the food and drinks were never enough. Mr Lau:你不懂我们很会吃的吗?看我们那天火锅怎么个吃法就明白了,不是吗?We all laughed out loud, because... that's absolutely the truth. Okay, with them, we don't need to care about image. In fact, no one was left with a nice image after being in our group. Haha... And since there were 3 pairs (or was it 4?) getting married, so there were different MCs and singers. 1st was a girl, 学生歌后?She looks more mature than me. And then, her boyfriend went up. Kelly and I was thinking:呃……呃……难以置信……Not that there's any problem with it, just that... it seems... not right? Haha... unexplainable... Later on, as I expected, they sang together 《你最珍贵》We joked that XY's song had been picked. Then, there was this lady in her sixties.At first, we didn't really pay attention. Until the MV of her song came out. It was HER!!! LOL... She even went to China to take her very own MV. Next on stage was her husband (we guessed). She went on again, singing 3 songs altogether. 宣传行程竟然会安排到婚宴?强!By the way, her 打歌服is very喜气洋洋,red dress+pink shoes.

As for the brides, the dresses were... not up to what we expected. It was very... Sibu-style? Not surprising, not eye-catching, just very... normal-wedding-dress. But the pinkish pair was quite unexpectable. I mean, you don't see bridegroom in full dark pink everyday, do you? Oh ya, before I forget, one of the MC was 张菲(not sure if it's supposed to be written this way) just because he had a hair style like the one in Taiwan.

Others aren't too important (废虫:就big big square square承认自己懒惰吧!) to be typed out. So, I'll end this with the post of the video I promised yesterday. It's very short and those interested, you can get it from me.


  1. hahahahaha....XD
    i like the video!
    baba.. glad tat u hv took it. hehe..
    xy,chew fung and cheong so funny...haha..

  2. 哈哈……我是专业的叻~哈哈哈……我到现在还是很遗憾没有chew fung老师的婚照……啊!!!!!你有吗?


What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

