Welcome to my world~

欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Tuesday 2 June 2009

In the process of learning~

Aren't I hardworking? Updating my blog everyday (hey, this is only your second post, second day, kay? =.=) Haha.. I'm still learning how to use blogspot, and yeah, that's why the background is still white, songs can't play automatically etc. I AM searching around. Give me some time.

As an update, NUS, SMU and USM decided not to offer me a place. The preparations for entering these 3 shall remain as a useful training, but nothing more than that. Arrr.. I shouldn't have miss last Saturday's taekwondo training for that. Haih... Should have know that my luck won't be that good to squeeze into an Apex university. Anyway, I'll still be working hard on loans and stuffs.

Lately, since I'm deeply in love with Yunho (blush), I'm learning how to sing "One", Korean version. Already got around 60% of it.

What else I'm learning? Let me think... Oh ya, I'm learning how to believe God has planned my future. All I have to do is to trust him and thrust everything in His hand. Honestly, I can't have much faith when I can't see things clearly. But I know that's a lesson in life. We only get to know, and appreciate, things when we look back AFTER those events happen in life. Also trying to learn not to skip church for months :P

Wanted to start training myself to sleep early, wake up early, go exercise, lose fat, cook etc... My list is (had been) very long, and I never get to completely acheive something planned. I maybe a good planner, but a lousy follower. [sigh]

Before I end my speech XD, allow me to shout : Happy Birthday, teacher Chew Fung!!

birthday cake made by mim n choon

eggs that both of them coloured (1st time saw eggs this colourful)

xy, chew fung see how happy she is? this is our planned surprise b'day party for her) n cheong

后面那个是来乱的…… 哈哈……

As for the video, I'll ask for others' permission before posting this up, kay?

ps: I'll read through the lyrics before we sing on stage tomorrow at your wedding. Hehe..

To be continued...

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What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

