Welcome to my world~

欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Sunday 27 December 2009

27 more to go

I started this blog on 1st June 2009 as a mark for a new beginning. At that time, I was still quite certain that I'll be going to UK to read law. I even planned to put up a dual-clock on the front page, one with Malaysian time (GMT +08:00) and the other with United Kingdom's time (GMT). But then, I hold my eagerness back. I had this weird feeling that it may not be as smooth as I anticipated. If I put the two clocks on and ended not flying that, won't I be embarrassed and say, 200% disappointed? And it turns out my sixth sense is functioning well, in fact, too well. Now, as most of you already know, I'll be going to Australia for accounting. I guess God has His plans for me, which isn't exactly what I wished these years. =)

I made myself a promise. I want this blog to be updated everyday in 2009 since I'm so free. Even if I can't make it on a certain day, I'll post on the following day to make sure the number of posts is sufficient.

after much calculation, I got this:
June - December (30+31+31+30+31+30+31 = 214 days)
and from what this blog had automatically counted (I did re-count, just in case), I had posted 187 posts so far.
Thus, 214-187=27.

27 more to go.

Minus this, 3 posts for Christmas, 1 for the Christmas procession, 1 for "Team Medical Dragon", 1 for Grasshopper, 1 for SS501, 5 for Youtube links, 2 for this year's summary which makes 15.

I still have 12 more to work on.

I'm still considering whether to post some of my love poems or not. I do have 5 done and another around 16 more titles ready. Initially they are for me to try for newspapers...

Darn, I have mind blank lately. And forgotten part of my original ideas. 这是俗话说的“瓶颈”吗?

Let's just wait and see what I have for you guys (and myself). Final results? Observe on 31st December.


  1. first time i see a blogger cares so much about the quantity. Hahahaa...
    well, blog before u could blog no more next year! haha.

  2. wow! first person eh~ muahahaha.. *proud-ing*

    erm, sorry about the quantity (i'll improve..) but yeah, quantity is sth i care a lot..

    make it nicer by saying i have a clear aim XP

    yeah, i'm so worried that i cant blog as frequent as now (since when i love blogging so much?)


What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

