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欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Monday 8 February 2010

I'm officially missing you

Okay, here's the girl who insisted that she won't have homesick preparing to shed tears whenever she thinks of home. Duh...

Well, I'm now officially in ANU, erm, let's make it John XXIII College, finally being able to go online and start blogging but unfortunately had promised the Senior Resident, Fresh, to go to join them in the Junior Common Room later (Games Night starts at 8pm, but I guess I'll appear later. After all, I said I'll "pop-in" when I had sort out my things. That's practically impossible. If you look at my room, you'll understand. *sigh* I'm starting to worry how to move next year) And yeah, I've still got clothes in the laundry room. Would have done it earlier and faster if I hadn't woke up late this morning and thus, making everything slower than planned. Yeah, a plan is JUST a plan. And I never stick to it. Duh... Plus, stupid me who don't know how to use the washing machine (oops, revealing that for the past week Mum has been doing the washing in Aussie) thought that it broke down. Aduhai aduhai...

Met a lot of seniors and shall talk about it later when I have time and mood. Not that I'm unhappy or what, just that I'm kinda lazy now XP  Yes, I'm aware that I'm short of more than 10 blog posts as promised. Forgive me for the time being. I need time to settle down in a new country. The papers from the International Student Services said that it's perfectly normal. No, I'm not trying to cut things into small portions (this land don't have silver 300 two).

Overall, I'm officially missing home, parents, relatives, pets and friends. I miss Malaysia so much =)


  1. Trust me, I had been through this situation before. It will definitely get better, no doubt about that. First few weeks are the toughest but then you will get used to it real fast. Before you even realise it, you'll love and enjoy your newfound freedom! At least I am now! Haha!

  2. Haha.. felt so much better after meeting the JPA Ivy League scholars. started shopping spree again today. So tired and lazy to go for formal (semi) dinner tonight, but that's the only way i can get food tonight *sigh sigh*


What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

