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欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Thursday 5 November 2009


终于能上网了(前晚),之前整整4天我的电脑detect不到DNS这个东东……所以,amidst of the struggles in marking those超级让我吐血的English Paper 2,想上网放轻松都不能……超郁闷的说……

好啦,allen都说了,5天没有blogging对我这个pro blogger(自己都不好意思承认 XD)太不正常了http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=543123164&v=feed&story_fbid=171502812125

29/10 (星期四)
悠哉悠哉过日子……尽量完成能做的paperwork……这次代替的老师原来是挺忙的……正好是penyelaras NILAM,因此我必须为中四13班的成绩单全部盖章……杀了我吧……现在才盖了2班半,想想未来一个两个星期要做的事情就……

30/10 (星期五)
终于轮到我的paper 2出场了……我很努力尝试帮助学生,关于考试的新格式,偏偏就是有人不听、不看……【叹】你们了解我的无助感吗,孩子们?一直感觉就我这个老师一股脑的热情贴上你们冷冷的**……晚忙着改考卷,还拉了老爸来帮我改objective(上次Geografi的选择题是老妈帮我 XP)  

31/10 (星期六)

继续埋头于考卷堆中……勉强赶完102张考卷……还努力地准备中五的grammar revision notes + exercise至三更半夜。开始期待星期一的计算总分的时刻来临……

2/11 (星期一)
很衰的一天。听过倒霉的人喝水都会呛到,吃东西会哽到吗?我就是这么衰……因为喉咙实在痛而吃喉糖,结果……喉糖卡喉咙!!!然后喉咙更痛……无奈催吐,早餐是全都出来了啦,就是糖果牢牢地粘在喉咙管……最后很无奈拨电话给妈咪求救,连累她十万火急在九点半赶来陪我吃早餐,用kampua把糖果推下去……然后我差点跑步回学校only to find that我把时间表记错……根本不用狼吞虎咽吃早点……整个为自己的粗心大意吐血……仿佛为了证明什么都不太顺利这样……好不容易等到了的作文分数,竟然发现有些许问题:太低,真的太低……结果我和新老师两个newbies就去请教别的老师……结论是:我们要重改!!本来想说不用碰那些恐怖字体的说……结果为了赶,我们就很努力赶,可是有好多张是找Mdm Lau协助改的……当然,Ashanti,Daniel和Mdm Jacey C也没有少被我烦……老师们……歹势啊~

没完没了地赶着remarking……后来sms Mdm Loo松了一口气:原来我们remark过后的分数虽然仍然低 ,可是这才反映他们真正的程度,之前的考试不是full paper,又有一点太简单。晚餐后,听着被Maria老师 强迫购买 的Metho Choir特地去Studio录制的CD,边阅读作文。音乐很不错,唯一的要说的就是music比vocal大声,我听得很辛苦啊……(对,我就是鸡蛋里挑骨头……)嘛……我真的觉得很久很久以前的seniors比较好……(我就是实话实说……)半路,慧聪拨电话到我家,确认她和明明会在今天来学校,咱们去吃早点,替Tien Tien老师庆祝belated生日……晚上的时候,很意外地培宁给我挂了个电话。好久没有这么聊天了……开心到忘记时间,到电话没电池,到考卷改不完……哈哈……不过听到我和妈咪去槟城两次都准时报到的Telok Bayan饮食中心被火烧掉粉心痛叻……我还没带老爸去吃的……
ps:各位,培宁说她的马六甲男朋友年尾会来诗巫哦……谁来atur一下时间,咱们去 评分 聚餐多了解一下这位先生?

4/11 (星期三)
分考卷咯!果然……一堆小孩子的失望的表情……只有4 Hoover相当能接受……还是因为最好的几个作文我还没分?4 Einstein真的有好几个挺失望的,我知道……4 Tekun直接不要接受事实……可是明明他们的Sejarah更见不得人咯……做莫在我身上发泄?!老师很无辜!!开心的就是我们几个果然有去吃(帮明补补久违的kampua),慧聪和明星期五会来代课噢~呀呼!嗯……明天再做最后的改正就可以准备做成绩单了……

看到这个:http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=189773852552&ref=nf 惊觉,时间过好快噢~三年了吗?德基,你要飞Tasmania料?!什么时候?!做莫我都不懂的?!对啦对啦……一定是因为我太努力教书,教到“有年没月”去……德基,你很爱笑诶~很好看哦……不过……(很毁气氛的“不过”又来了……不过os:I'm back!!! Hahahaha..)有没有发现,你很喜欢交叉手臂?心理学家说,这代表你不轻易把心打开给别人喔~

Okay, I shall end with these photos. 有点后悔没有拍下全部考卷though……年初也没有拍……都不能留下当纪念……




  1. OMG.. u saw that video? lol...
    em. ya i'm leaving.. next February.. i'm still waiting for UTAS' (university of Tasmania) offer letter actually hehe.. but everyone make it like i'm going there liao.. lol.
    ya.. i like to do that.. em.. perhaps the psychologists are right.. i think i used to share quite a lot of things to people.. but nowadays.. em, have to filter a bit sometimes lo.. i think u get what i mean..
    no worries.. i'll sure meet up with u before both of us leave Sibu. =)

  2. haha.. i din manage to finish it.. 18 mins' a bit too long XD well, my com gt kinda jammed halfway, so after like half an hour of buffering, i jz get to watch les than 5 mins *pout*

    nex feb ar? flight book liao mah? when de? turn plane at sydney or melb? stay where first? (more anxious than you)

    erm... say.. that's d sign we grew up and old? we start to think twice b4 sharing and talking.. *sigh* i don't like a world filled with heart chicken v heavy de ppl..

    we go eat steamboat again?! haha.. or this time we go "shua shua guo"?

  3. not yet. i havent even got my offer letter yet.. so dunno when am i flying and so.. yes u sound a lot more anxious than me hahaha...

    heart chicken v heavy???? omg... u remind me of old air horizontal spring. hahaha..

    oh sure! we have to meet up and chillax before both of us fly. hiak hiak hiak... great tat this time i can enjoy a long break... slightly more than 2 months... haha.. can do so many thing. =)

  4. aigo~ like i'm your mum.. muahahahaha..

    wow, ur direct-chinese-translation oso v geng neh~ bt waeyo? y old air horizontal spring? tat nt keh wei's famous quote meh? hahaha..

    i oso hv around 3 mths hols.. still gt tons of stuffs nt worked out yt..


What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

