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Sunday, 10 March 2013

插播一下我欠了很久的update in Brisbane (2)


《睡前写一封信给自己》 致:最亲爱的你










你还记得一年级的体育老师Mr Sim和他的神秘盒子吗?






插播一下我欠了很久的update in Brisbane (1)

我知道我早就该写了,可是真的好忙啊……忙到连这个都是从朋友的facebook messages里各种截出来的……各位就迁就一下吧……

  • i have tutes in week 1, right before any lectures, which is totally weird and helpless
    but i'm happy to meet with other fellow grad entry students (FYI, i am now officially enrolled in Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry)), so yeah, it's nice to know that i'm not the oldest in that discipline. i might even be one of the youngest
    thing is, those aunties/ older sisters are really dominating in a sense. it's good that they give answers and share everything, but it's a bit daunting to newbies, especially when we have class with the normal LLB kids (fresh out from high school)
    the uncles/ older brothers are also scary in a sense, but older ones are normally more friendly and take care of others more.
    by the way!! I often find myself as one of the only asian face in the class. even if there are other asians (mostly indians), i will be the only one with the identity of international student. nothing bad about that though, nothing at all. i'm proud about it.
    and you know those study guides (where we use to call it course outlines)? well, apparently in law school (well, it used to be the same in ANU when i did compulsory business law courses), all study materials with tutorial questions and cases are in it.
    so when i initially thought that i have to print them all out on my own, it was supposed to cost me $85. i was on the verge to purchase my own printer until... QUT decided that all AusAid students, those under all kinds of equity/financial scholarships.. and international students can claim FREE study guides from the law school office!!! buahahahahahahaha
    and my aussie classmates thought that i'm so hardworking and nerdy bringing in those minimum 100-page (Legal Foundations A has 308 pages) to tutes. and i actually read more than they do (just because i find them interesting, not because I am really that hardworking, and they are not compulsory or relevant much at all), and i answer what they don't know (because i've learnt them in ANU) gave them a scare. XDDDD
    even the tutors were impressed (somehow) that i actually wrote full pages of answers as preparation. what they didn't know that I used to write more back in ANU where accounting requires you to write down and count all those figures (i still hate them because they never go balance under my pen), and that since i LOVE law, of course i write them willingly. i stood out in a sense when others just scribble two pages or typed everything on their laptop/ ipad.
    we actually have participation marks where it is solely based on the impression and memory of the tutors over the whole semester, so i think i'm starting to pick up momentum slowly. i love talking anyway.
    reading wise, OMG, too much to handle. it's not possible for normal people. well, our lecturer showed us an Youtube video yesterday, and the US attorney general said that 20 years ago, if someone worked 2000 hours per year, it's crazy. now lots of lawyers record 2400 hours a year. another lecturer shared a joke saying that if you meet a real human being (instead of a dracula) among 1000 lawyers, you are lucky. LOL
    tutes are fun, lectures are even more fun. of course there are boring ones, where i simply dozed off and strayed on facebook and renren, but i really like my Legal Foundations A first lecturer (i think i'm going to have like 14 lecturers this sem for just 4 units) because he shows us all kinds of youtube videos
    and they are dirty
    and they are funny
    mostly, they are just outrageous
    but the scary part is that they are all relevant to our course. LOL law is fun.

    i have been enjoying Fundamentals of Criminal Law most, mainly because of it's gruelling nature. just into week 2 now, i have been looking at sickening pedophiles, rapes, murder and drug producing. how nice! 变态恋童癖、强奸、谋杀、贩毒 don't they sound interesting? XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    hmm, i actually have a full load in these two weeks, because they think we need to have basics before we can start Torts A
    so i actually have 14 hours of Legal Foundations A, which includes library tour (with referencing and finding cases homework) and computer lab session (with citation homework)
    and! during my law library tour yesterday, just right after the librarian said: as you can see, on level 6 here, the fire exits are on both ends too. far that end, and here on my right.
    and the fire alarm rang! LOL i thought they purposedly did that until i realised someone really triggered the alarm
    话说……QUT自创的referencing style居然连墨大的AGLC都鄙视了XDDD
    【real story】i don't know what else to add.. i'm pretty sure the girl next to me think that i'm crazy to type so much in a facebook message
  • oh, the pastors are not THAT friendly to asians and visitors. i've been there 1 whole month, and they still never shaked my hand after service. i always think that they should initiate it. but the old folks are REALLY REALLY nice at that church. and i get to know a really nice korean unnie (elder sister). well, she's actually 38 years old, but i still call by elder sister. all girls liked to be called young
    我的头两个星期大概就这样了。等我那天真的有精力了就把o-week和各种照片都补上来吧……(我知道我知道,还有各种blog series我还没写的嘛……我真的截图好了,就是还没动手写而已!还有今年的目标清单!!)
    【噢噢噢!忘记说了!我还开始上免费的日语班了!朝向第5个正式学的语言前进!yoroshikun onegaishimasu~】
    末了,为了广大单纯善良(?)的孩纸,我还是把上面那段youtube的原版放上来吧~ 免得毁三观啊~~

What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

