Welcome to my world~

欢迎光临寒舍~ 哈哈……很有古代的feel吧?

Saturday 26 June 2010




Sunday 20 June 2010


  • 今天是我史上第一次去gym运动。终于踩了那我超喜欢的脚车型运动器材。用$8换来臀部的疼痛和与80卡路里说再见,算一算,其实也蛮值得的。呵呵……就看接下来的半年会不会依然这么有热情去减肥了~
  •  箭头指的就是我今天用的机器~
  • 大家应该都有发现我的部落格换了新的template和background了吧?原本是想自己设计(用这个
2)我现在住的corridor就是B1 Buccaneers。

  • 我来到Canberra的大学生活几乎就是天天跟laundry打交道。前两天呗,就在擦拭洗衣篮时,稍微不注意,我的小指就被割了一口。有点痛的说~
  • 下个星期的这个时候,我应该在悉尼的街上吃晚餐了~第一次去体验那儿的冬天。期待!

Saturday 19 June 2010


首先感谢网友claire挑起我想要打这篇blog的冲动,因为我重听了很多首好久好久都没有听到的歌~有些我还是找不到,例如《现场直播》、《裙子青蛙》,但是,请放心,我会继续努力的 ;) 如果你有相关视频,请记得留言告诉我哦!

这篇介绍的都是马来西亚人听的歌,不是拿去海外赚外币的那几首(除了《掌心》),所以你也许会很陌生,但是我就是想让你听听~就因为是在马来西亚播放的,所以会有浓浓又淡淡(这种矛盾的形容词,我们很爱用XP)的Malaysian feel,宗教信仰和种族语言暂时搁一旁。

陈颖见 《熬夜》

真善美 《圆缘圈 》

Baby 《爱情不能做比较》

Baby 《爱要怎么说》

山脚下男孩 《月亮圆》

李心洁 《爱像大海》

山脚下男孩 《Kita Anak Malaysia》

庄学忠 《传灯》

无印良品 《掌心》

李心洁 《恋》

不愿承认 不愿面对

你真的离开 很久很久
一个笑容 一句话语
都让我眼眶 很湿很湿
你说我伤 你心很深
我却不记得 真的真的
无法平静 不想透露
其实我也受伤 很痛很痛
情愿 哭泣在梦里
情愿 忘你过生活
情愿 默默的退出
情愿 很久的以后

无印良品 《是你变了吗?》

无印良品 《相见你》

无印良品 《我找你找了好久》

山脚下男孩 《童年颂》

阿牛陈庆祥 《老夫子情歌》

阿牛 《用马来西亚的天气來说爱你》

李心洁 《裙摆摇摇》

阿牛 《天天天天说爱你 Aku Cinta Padamu 》
(就是一定要夹一句马来语,跟大家惯用的I Love You不一样就是了XP)

阿牛 《Mamak档》

阿牛和锦绣二重唱 《牵牛花》
(很喜欢副歌 “ai yo la la hi ye hi ye……” 和“我爱的人爱别人”)

阿牛 《大肚腩》

阿牛 《踩着三轮车卖菜的老阿伯》

曹格+光良 《少年》

阿牛 《阿牛与阿花的故事》

阿牛 《水查某》


阿牛 《Speak My Language》
(啊哈哈哈哈哈!!!!!!!!!!manglish at its fullest!)

阿牛 《我是你的小小狗》

阿牛 《来我家吃饭》

阿牛 《我们一家都是人》

山脚下男孩 《开田过港爬山岭 》

《快乐在哪里 谢谢》


Wednesday 16 June 2010



哈哈……不是单身的自由(那个我一直都是,就快是S.A.D一族了。什么是S.A.D?就是single, available, desperate啊~个人有默默想在available前面加个very,哈哈!desperado呢~),而是……我考试结束了!!!

就这么跟Semester 1挥手说再见有点不习惯。说是不舍得吧!毕竟我还不能适应读书只有5个月这种事……啊我跟STPM又爱又恨地纠缠了一年半,SPM更久(两年),PMR最惨,整整3年!!

请问你是在关心我考试如何吗?坦白说,不好!一直都觉得自己可以做得更好,如果我当初更努力。是啦,老调重弹:早知今日,何必当初?人哪,是总学不乖的动物~分数……不见就认命喊bye bye了……

首先是:plan我的寒假~要抓紧时间休息,因为月尾直到Semester 2开学前都会很忙(忙着旅行)。
接下来就是,明天听听course coordinator怎么说, 我再看怎么排未来2年半的课程
手机和相机拿去Canberra Centre看看能不能修好
嗯……然后就……拼命写部落格,把之前没写的统统补上来。最近又有灵感了,可不能再让它们跑了!写了投稿赚钱(未来的会计就是要爱钱 $.$)
还有,hit the gym,甩掉肥肉(下学期有个晚宴想去)。


端午节快乐!!我有点想念粽子飘香的家乡~刚才在dining hall跟Sonia说,我们应该做个粽子模型挂在房间里,来个切身的“画饼充饥+望梅止渴”,就像这样:



Sunday 13 June 2010

thank God it's not tomorrow~

Yup, thank God my exam starts on Tuesday. A whole new round of 2 consecutive days. Worse this time because no cheat sheets are allowed. Deadliest week, perhaps, of the whole semester? =)

Well, just going to share these few pictures.

after lunch: looks pretty okay, eh?

now: first time I saw "feels like" value higher than the original.

don't you think the number in red circle is getting really close to the one in pink? =)

Friday 11 June 2010

halfway there

STAT1008 is also down! Not that happy though. Always had the most confident in this subject and thought it'll be the easiest. Having this thought in mind, I really want to do well and thus wrote my cheat sheet till 2am.

Jumped out of bed at 7.30am =0= Yes, I bet you can imagine how sleepy I was. But then, something that you won't expect (since I didn't) happened. I was all ready for breakfast when I decided to check the temperature using my handphone. MY GOD!! It was -3 degrees!!!

Pulled out my suitcase to get my pink cashmere turtle neck out and got changed into it. It was the best decision I made today =)

Felt so nice walking in the early frosty morning. However, I was still shivering in the Sports Hall and I can barely wriggle my fingers. The questions were quite hard (people said it's harder than any past year papers, I can't justify it though because I didn't do them. Yeah, shame to me) and the worst thing was I was too sleepy and kept yawning for the first 30 minutes and even almost fell asleep. Thank God I managed to finish all questions 5 minutes before time's up.

So, now, I still have BUSN1001 and FINM1001 left. The deadliest week of Semester 1. No cheat sheet allowed and they have, like, the most formula to memorise. I decided to dedicate my weekend + Monday to them.

Meanwhile, I am happy that I have friends behind and beside me all the while. Things happened but I'll be ok.

Ps: I didn't get to repair my spectacles, but I managed to put in my time-sheet at the Disability Centre. =) Can't wait to receive my pay. Thanks to the nice lady who opened the door although it was lunch-break (that I didn't know).

Thursday 10 June 2010

one down, three to go

1st paper --> ECON1101 has just ended an hour and half ago. better than expected but somehow got a feel that I didn't do too well. Should have wrote more things on my "cheat sheet". by the way, you guys won't believe how small my handwriting can be =) i'm actually pretty impressed with how much notes i squeezed into that permitted A4 paper and even have some spaces left. but when i saw the others', gosh, i feel giddy now just recalling them...

anyway, i still have 3 more to go.. and yeah, something cropped up of no where. hopefully things will go on smoothly and i won't lose my focus.

i miss my old friends, friends which don't need me to try hard to gulp down my words and think 100 times so that i can please them, friends which are real and friends who are just friends, and i can be myself, not tiring at all, not dreading when i chat. =)

pray for me~

Monday 7 June 2010




就这样,你们自己看,然后选择你比较喜欢的数字吧! (咦?感觉像买万字票这样?XD)


在诺大(?)的Sports Hall里,又预测前一天会下雨,极可能下降到-2度。开玩笑吗?负2诶!这不是在电视节目或书报上才会看到的数字吗?!


Saturday 5 June 2010


2010年6月4日 (星期五)

一如往常(最近的往常),完全起不来吃早餐(好啦,我有醒来重新调闹钟然后倒下去继续睡),再次在snack time拿了一碗cereal加上一杯milo当早点。然后,就重洗整load的衣服(因为前一晚有很无聊的醉人把我就快烘干的衣服悉数从tumble dryer给扔出来。是的,就是just for fun。唯一逃过一劫没有湿湿的粘在地板上的是其中一只袜子。最初就是担心他们星期四喝醉酒会胡来,特地等到几乎全部人都出去了我才在晚饭后洗,想不到……唉……你真的不能怪我晚上九点半很生气踹洗衣机吧?我知道洗衣机很冤,所以我有小小内疚一下……)。接下来,自己到底有做了什么有意义的事情我根本没有印象,大概就上上youtube,再逛逛facebook,然后稍微在pps流连了一会儿,就这么过了大半天。傍晚时分,SR Amy来给我们大家各自一包study pack(一个小小的牛皮袋,装了糖果、巧克力和饼干的),终于有机会拥抱她了。依旧没有说到多少的话,不过一个结结实实的拥抱胜过千言万语(老人家用词总是比较夸大的,请见谅)。

晚餐后大约9点时,去了另一个SR Fresh的房间拿麦当劳汉堡包(是的,就是给打算开夜车读书的人准备的!而且只有我们B1 corridor有哦~)说实话,我看到那个数量时,我真的有吓到!他们是怎么认为50多个人可以吃160粒汉堡包的?!我勉强地啃完一粒,然后拿了包薯条去3楼找Woon Ji分着吃。



2010年6月5日 (星期六)

进入考试倒数第5天,仍然有点太悠哉。打算写完这篇就去努力写笔记。反正,这个周末是一定要献给ECON 1101了~还得考它赚钱的呢!呵呵……



여러분,have a splendid weekend!

Thursday 3 June 2010

1st semester

So! My first semester in ANU has officially come to an end, for classes that is. All lectures and tutorials are given a rest (alternatively, you can label that as semibreve {please see below for more details}) before the final exam is here.

There is a tinge of sadness. I really love my classes especially one tutor XP. Although I am still struggling with the subjects, but I do put the blame on not hardworking enough (totally not hardworking, in fact) and that part of me that haven't get over something. However, I'm trying my best to pull up my socks (I tried to pull up to my waist but apparently, I'm too fat and that doesn't work :S) .

Mission accomplished: I finally managed to muster my courage and answer a question in the class. Hence, participation marks won't be 0. Woohoo!! Bravo to myself XD And I finally earn myself a chocolate (rewards for students who participated in FINM 1001 class).

Are you asking why there's 2 here? Of course it's because I grabbed an extra one ;P hahaha.. I missed MARS so much! And I kind of choked on it again just now!!

Mission incomplete: ECON 1101 notes from week 5 to week 10. =.=ll Can't blame on others who didn't convey the message clearly. It's my fault, afterall, to not study hard and make notes for myself in the first place. So yeah, this weekend is dedicated to ECON 1101, to start with, before STAT 1008.

Everyone, wish me good luck! =)

By the way, for your information: It's winter now! And I start wearing my summer clothes again underneath layers of jacket and trench coat because the tutorial rooms are too stuffy.

Compare arrow 1 and 2. Can you see that greeny-yellowish part is the only thing left clinging on the trees?

Wednesday 2 June 2010

not-that-unexpected thing

Last night, in Facebook (once again), I wrote this:
生命中总是会有很多预料不到的意外,只是,我真的很讨厌这个。不是我不能理解,但是我真的不舍得!i tried so hard not to cry T.T

Someone that I adored (I guess I really do) is going to move out next semester. You might be wondering what difference will that make, right? Yes, it affects a lot when she's my corridor Senior Resident. She might be younger than me, but she took care of me (don't laugh!) and yeah... I guess her personality (and result XD) attracts me heaps.

Too bad she has to leave. I know it's for her own good but I just feel bad, for both her and all of us B1 Buccaneers. It's almost one in a million chance to get nice and nerdy (don't beat me) and sexy girl to be your SR, someone who is concerned about drinking and noises, someone who kindly reminds you of upcoming exams, someone who gives you a hug when you almost got attacked by a now-so-much-better-weirdo guy. *sigh* I don't know who will be the next SR (interviews and nominations {i guess} still going on) but it's impossible to replace her. That new chick lady might be better (hopefully) but yeah, no one can replace the other.

AW, may God bless you in your future undertakings. Stay happy and healthy. <3

Quote of the day: Majority is not always correct. =)

Tuesday 1 June 2010



重點是:今天在走路來學校上課是差一點摔倒(因為 快遲到大趕特趕  在忙著查氣溫,沒有注意看路面情況  跟那段路有一點八字不合,尤其是下雨過後的一天)赫然發現,我呼吸時就冒白煙了耶!原來3-4度就是這樣子啊?看來我之前太專注聽歌了~

好了,重點之二:Finals 就在10天後正式開始了!大家有空就為我禱告吧!我再也不敢奢望high distinction,如果可以,當然希望來個4 distinction,但是,請credit不要忽然離開我。如果都不行,那全及格總不會是太過份的要求吧?

嗯,得去準備上microeconomics 1的lecture了,各位,再見!

What time is it now? 童鞋,记住:一寸光阴一寸金~

